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I'm an agent of chaos. And you know the thing about chaos, it's fair.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Is science a menace of civilization?

I think that science is clearly not a menace to civilization, although due to the development of science, nuclear, chemical and biological weapons which would bring mental and physical destruction to the civilization have been greatly produced, its benefits greatly overweigh its consequences. Thanks to the advancement of science, miraculous discoveries such as pasteurization, vaccination, antibiotics, anesthetics, the obliteration of smallpox, transplant surgery, genetic engineering, and many more which have saved trillions. Just like religion, politics or philosophies, there is no doubt that mistakes would be made but if we do not continue to practice them, we would never know the right from the wrong, only when we learn from our mistakes can we get a step closer to success. In science, some sacrifices are bound to be made to gain better understanding. Hence, the act of medical research in systematic torture and exploitation of animals for the past 200 years is clearly justified by the millions of lives of people as well as animals saved.
In fact, science has made a great contribution to the stability of civilization compared to the practices of religion and philosophy. As science is the investigation, manipulation and prediction of natural phenomena, the objective of science is to enlighten people of what is in this world based on solid proof and support from the researches. However, religion on the other hand might actually delude the masses with their “knowledge” as they are all just the beliefs of a small minority of people which are not substantiated by hardcore facts. Thus, religion is actually a sanctuary for belief and hope for the people to have faith in but science is where truth and facts are. In ancient past, due to the domination of the Church and their great influence over the society, people had the belief that Earth was actually the center of the universe with the sun orbiting around it. However, with Galileo Galilei’s determination to think beyond the scriptures, he proven the theory Heliocentrism which stated that the sun was the center of the solar system with Earth orbiting it. Thus, it is clear that from early times, science has been the fundamentals of the development of the human race. Therefore, it is definitely not a menace to civilization as it brings the masses to the real facts and figures in life rather than to provide them with people’s own perception of life and nature.
However, although science has brought much comfort to the lives of humans, comfort itself might lead to degrading of the capabilities of humans. After Bill Gates invented the computer, the world changed around. Everything became reliant on IT such as education, information, communication, and so on. Thus, in a world where computers and chips do the work for us, what can we do, or rather, what needs to be done by us? Due to the great ease brought in by development of science, human life is becoming too pleasurable hence, making us become more attached and dependent on technology. Thus, this would deprive us of the opportunities to exercise our own capabilities physically as well as mentally. This would lead to the degrading of the human thinking and thus the domination of technology in our world just like the dystopia depicted in the novel “Brave New World” where humans did not actually have any thoughts and where literally mass produced like machines. Thus, to some extent, science is a menace to civilization as it makes it depend more on technology, hence, crippling it.
To round up, science is beneficial to our civilization as it could bring great improvements in living conditions and enlighten us on the truths of life and nature. However, when the advancement is too great and humans become reliant on it, it would be counterproductive.

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